aromatherapy naturally
Introduction and preparation
2 chapters
Aroma presentation (01:54)
My aroma notebook
aromatherapy naturally
10 chapters
dig (23:03)
Cric Crac Croc (6:19)
skin hair (16:41)
new blood, blood circulation, cellulite, heavy legs, pre- and menopausal migraines (4:43)
intelligent waters, aromatic teas, hydrosols, informed waters and flowers of life (22:32)
visual and cerebral acuity (06:08)
Slimming and weight gain (14:11)
sinusitis, allergies and meditation (03:33)
sleep, mental gibberish (10:05)
energy, memory, concentration and sexuality (11:45)
video bonus
2 chapters
granolas (11:09)
dig (23:03)
Free ebooks
8 chapters
ZenDetoxAromatic Cure Volume 1
ZenDetoxAromatic Cure Volume 2
ZenDetoxAromatic Cure Volume 3
Aromatic recipes
Aromatherapy naturally
aromatherapy beauty
hydrosol mon ami
le carré des simples
our private group
1 chapter
groupe privé les curistes du bonheur
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granolas (11:09)
aromatherapy naturally
bonus video
granolas (11:09)
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