NERôm bio relax

38.00 - 95.00

an aromatic synergy with a relaxing effect. This friction helps relax the nervous system, calms anxiety, relieves anxiety and facilitates a good night's sleep.

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NER Synergy is a combination of natural organic essential oils of lavandin abrial, marjoram, orange, petit grain, fine lavender, basil, lemongrass, neroli and rose with relaxing properties. This friction helps relax the nervous system, calms anxiety and stress, relieves anxiety and facilitates good, restorative sleep.


* certified organic by FR-BIO-10 - 100% organic and natural


20 drops per day for 2 weeks, rubbed into the chest, solar plexus, nape of the neck, base of the spine and soles of the feet. Drink 1 drop at 5 p.m. and 1 drop at bedtime. 10 ml for 10 to 15 days of regular use.


100% organic essential oils of lavandin abrial, marjoram, orange, petitgrain, fine lavender, basil, lemongrass, neroli and rose.


with natural organic essential oils of lavandin abrial, marjoram, orange, petitgrain, fine lavender, basil, lemongrass, neroli and relaxing rose. NER promotes relaxation of the nervous system, calms anxiety and stress, relieves anxiety and facilitates restful sleep.

neroli essential oil

Neroli essential oil is obtained by distilling the leaves of the bitter orange tree. This essential oil is obtained by distillation of orange buds and flowers, and is produced in France and Morocco, where most of the orange trees grow. Neroli essential oil is used to produce distilled orange blossom water, a well-known ingredient in pastries and desserts. Because of their small size and fragility, a ton of orange blossoms must be harvested to produce a kilo of neroli essential oil, widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy for its soothing effect on the nervous system. Neroli and orange essential oils share the same properties: they are powerful sedatives, calming and hypnotic. They can be used to relieve insomnia in adults, as well as stomach aches and colic in infants. Neroli essential oil can also be used in rubs, aromatic diffusers, aromatic drinks and baths.

petit grain essential oil

petit grain essential oil is obtained by distilling orange tree leaves. It is mainly used in perfumery (eaux de cologne, for example) and aromatherapy. It is said to have the same properties as orange and neroli essential oils: it is a powerful nervous sedative, calming and hypnotic. It helps reduce insomnia in adults, stomach aches and colic in infants. In beauty, it is recognized for its toning and repairing properties, but is also used for its action on oily skin and hair. Like orange and neroli essential oils, petit grain essential oil can be used for friction, aromatic diffusion, aromatic drinks and baths.

marjoram essential oil

Marjoram is a wild plant closely related to thyme. It grows mainly on the Mediterranean coast and in Central Europe, and is better known as oregano. However, sweet marjoram essential oil comes from the origanum majorana or majorana hortensis plant, while oregano essential oil comes from the wild marjoram origanum vulgare. In ancient Egypt, marjoram was dedicated to the god Osiris, and in ancient times, it was used to braid bridal crowns. Its essential oil is obtained by distillation of the plant's flowering tops, and is known for its calming and balancing properties, nourishing nerve cells. It is indicated for anxiety, anguish, stress, depression, insomnia and migraines. It can be used alone or in synergy in rubs, baths, aromatic diffusers, aromatic drinks and massage oils. It's important not to confuse marjoram essential oil with oregano essential oil: marjoram is relaxing and calming, while oregano is tonic.

lavandin abrial essential oil

lavandin abrial is a variety of lavandin resulting from natural hybridization between aspic lavender and true lavender, although these two species of lavender do not have the same properties and characteristics. Lavandin is a hardier variety than lavender, and also has a stronger fragrance. Lavandin is typical of southern France and the fields of the Drôme, and is today the most widely cultivated species of lavender. It grows from 300 to 1,200 meters above sea level and produces a fuller, less deep-blue flower than lavender. The lavandin abrial variety is recognized for its relaxing properties, making it highly prized in aromatherapy. Lavandin abrial essential oil is obtained by distilling the whole plant for its famous scent and many properties. In aromatherapy, the actions and uses of lavandin and lavender are the same, but lavandin is preferred for external use. The properties of lavandin essential oil are very similar to those of lavender, with only the scent differing according to variety and planting location: it disinfects and soothes, heals and relieves. It is an antispasmodic essential oil, and also helps reduce sleep disorders and insomnia. It's the only essential oil that can be used undiluted on its own in rubs, baths, aromatic diffusions, inhalations, aromatic drinks, enemas and for all beauty treatments.

rose essential oil

Damask rose comes from a hybrid rose, one of the most important and widely used of the old roses. It originated in Syria, where it can still be found in the wild today, but is mainly cultivated in Morocco and Bulgaria, the world's leading producer. The rose has been appreciated since antiquity and has always been associated with love, beauty and passion. Chinese and Sanskrit texts describe its beauty and fragrance, and it is often referred to as the "Queen of Flowers". It is also found in Greece, where it was used for ceremonies and body embalming. Rosewater was also in great demand in trade between Europe and the Far East, a major producer of the product. In the 10th century, it was recommended as eau de toilette, eyewash and even as a medical treatment. True rose essence, i.e. the thick, fragrant product that floats to the surface after decanting and concentration, was not known until 1612. Rose essential oil is the rarest and most expensive: four tons of rose petals produce just one kilo of essential oil. It is obtained by double distillation of the petals and is highly sought-after in perfumery, cosmetology and aromatherapy. It can also be used as a flavoring agent in cooking. Rose essential oil is only liquid above 22°, the temperature at which it is associated with its well-known fresh, sweet, flowery rose scent. Below 22°, it is solid, strewn with white, iridescent crystals that are lighter than water, and gives off an odor so strong it's no longer pleasant. It is recognized for its unique tissue-regenerating, anti-cancer and powerful anti-wrinkle properties. It is also an oil that stimulates the nervous system, soothes, balances, harmonizes and promotes inner peace, and is an aphrodisiac that stimulates sensuality. It is also recommended for skin redness, wrinkles, stretch marks, sexual fatigue, stress, anxiety and insomnia. It can be used in rubs, massage oils, aromatic drinks and in all body and face beauty treatments.

basil essential oil

Basil is a species of small herbaceous plant, no more than 60cm tall, cultivated as an aromatic and condiment plant. Its oval leaves range in color from pale to dark green, and some varieties are even purple. In ancient times, basil was considered a royal plant, hence its name. It was also considered a sacred plant by the Indians, who used it as an offering to the gods and planted it to protect the dead. In Africa and in the Middle Ages, basil was used against witchcraft. Basil essential oil is obtained by distillation of its leaves, and is recognized for its powerful antispasmodic properties, highly effective against digestive problems, nausea and vomiting, and inflammatory pain. It is also indicated in cases of stress, fatigue, insomnia and depression. It can be used in rubs, aromatic drinks and synergistic massage oils.

orange essential oil

The sweet orange tree, native to China, is an evergreen shrub with deep green foliage that releases citrus essences when rubbed. This tree can grow up to 3m tall and live up to 400 years in a temperate climate with mild winters. Its fragrant white blossoms produce sweet oranges, from which essential oils are extracted. Only around a hundred of the 2,000 varieties of sweet orange are grown. Oranges have been recognized for their medicinal and purifying properties since the 16th century. They were pricked with cloves and used to ward off moths and perfume cupboards. Orange essential oil is obtained by expressing the fresh zest of the fruit, yielding a yellow liquid oil with a fresh, sweet, fruity fragrance. It is renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties. It also reduces digestive disorders. Like neroli and petitgrain, it is a nervous sedative, calming and mild hypnotic, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, insomnia in children and adults, and soothing stomach aches, nausea and colic in infants. Sweet orange essential oil is one of the most widely used essential oils in aromatherapy, notably for diffusion thanks to its sweet, fruity scent, alone or in synergy with other oils to multiply its benefits. It can be used in rubs, massage oils, aromatic diffusers, aromatic drinks and baths, as well as in beauty treatments thanks to its fruity notes.

fine lavender essential oil

Fine lavender from Provence is the most sought-after variety, growing in all the warm regions along the Mediterranean coast. Fine lavender grows between 900 and 1,600 meters and produces small, fine, dark-blue flowers. It was once used as a magic and religious herb throughout Europe. In therapy, lavender and lavandin have the same properties, though lavender is preferred for internal use, and their scent differs according to variety and planting location. Their essential oil is obtained by distillation of the whole plant, sought-after for its properties and for its well-known and much-appreciated fragrance. It is rightly considered the leading essential oil in aromatherapy: it has aseptic and soothing properties, and helps heal and relieve. It is an antispasmodic essential oil, and also helps reduce sleep disorders and insomnia. It is the only essential oil that can be used undiluted on its own in rubs, baths, aromatic diffusions, inhalations, aromatic drinks, enemas and for all beauty treatments.

lemongrass essential oil

Native to India, lemongrass, a member of the lemongrass family, is a large perennial herb that can be found wild or cultivated in tropical regions such as Central America, India and Africa. Lemongrass should not be confused with lemongrass, scented verbena and verbena officinalis, although all four plants have similar scents and properties. Known for its aromatic properties, lemongrass is widely used in Southeast Asian cuisine and is also reputed to repel insects. Lemongrass essential oil is obtained by distilling the whole plant. Its main properties are anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, sedative and calming. It is also recognized for its deodorizing and purifying properties, thanks to its fresh, light fragrance, toning and regenerating properties. Its secondary properties make lemongrass essential oil a highly sought-after cosmetic oil, not only for perfuming skin care products, but also as an effective beauty treatment for dandruff and dull hair. It is also purifying and toning for oily and acne-prone skin. It is used for circulation problems, notably cellulite and stretch marks, thanks to its vasodilating action, digestive problems (difficult digestion, sourness, indigestion, bloating) and infectious diseases, thanks to its contribution to the immune system and antioxidant action. Lemongrass essential oil relaxes the nervous system - reducing stress, anxiety and anguish - as a relaxing rub and massage oil, in baths and beauty treatments, as an aromatic diffuser and as an anti-infectious aromatic drink.