bio'booster hair big on


strengthens tired hair, reduces excess sebum and slows hair loss by regenerating the scalp

50 drops rubbed into the scalp twice a week for 2 months

100% essential oils of cedar, rosemary, lavandifolia sage, sweet thyme, ylang-ylang, sage, fine lavender, lavender, clary sage

NOTE: damaged hair falls out faster and new hair grows back stronger


a real hair booster that helps hair regrowth, regulates oily secretions, reduces scalp affections, dandruff and greasy hair, reduces hair loss, fortifies the scalp and all hair that's tired, devitalized, brittle or lifeless... 3 months of use to confirm visible results from the third week.
caution: hair in the process of disappearing will fall out faster in the first ten days of treatment, and new hair will appear...

synergy of natural organic essential oils of cedar, fine lavender, rosemary, sweet thyme, ylang ylang and sage.

ylang-ylang essential oil

ylang-ylang is an evergreen tree with bright green foliage, 2 to 3 meters tall in cultivation or up to 30 meters tall in its native environment. It grows mainly in the Philippines, the Comoros, Reunion Island and Madagascar, and produces small, highly-perfumed pale yellow flowers, from which an essential oil is distilled and widely used in perfumery. ylang-ylang oil is used for hair and skin beauty in the moluccas, its flowers cover the wedding bed and flower necklaces are offered to the gods in small temples in indonesia. ylang-ylang flowers are associated with peace and meditation. ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained by distillation of these flowers, with their powerful, spicy scent. it is reputed for its aphrodisiac, cell-regenerating and heart-soothing virtues. ylang-ylang essential oil is indicated in cases of impotence or frigidity, and as a treatment for hair and skin, and is used in aromatic diffusion, friction, aphrodisiac massage oil and baths. in beauty, it is also used in perfumes.

lavender essential oil

fine lavender from provence is the most sought-after variety; it grows in all the warm regions of the mediterranean basin. there are over three hundred varieties. lavender species grow from 900 to 1600 meters and produce small, fine, dark-blue flowers. it was once used as a magical and religious herb throughout europe; it is known as the herb of mercury. in therapy, lavender and lavandin have the same properties, but lavender is preferred for internal use, and their scent differs according to variety and planting location. Their essential oil is obtained by distillation of the whole plant, sought-after for its properties and famous fragrance. It is rightly considered the leading essential oil in aromatherapy: it sanitizes and soothes, heals and relieves. it is an antispasmodic essential oil, and also helps reduce sleep disorders and insomnia. it is the only essential oil that can be used undiluted on its own in rubs, baths, aromatic diffusions, inhalations, aromatic drinks, enemas and for all beauty treatments.

Cedar essential oil

cedar is a tree with broad branches and needle-like evergreen leaves that can reach 50 m in height. its striated bark gives off a powerful, spicy fragrance. cedar essential oil is obtained by distilling the crushed needles and small branches, with the oldest woods yielding the best essences. this distillation produces an essential oil with a slightly acidic, yellowish odor.

Cedar essential oil has a long history, and was already used in Amerindian spiritual ceremonies, as well as by the Egyptians, who embalmed their mummies with compositions in which cedar wood played an important role. Even today, cedar wood and leaves are used in numerous compositions for perfumes, ointments, creams, potpourri, etc. Thanks to its many virtues, cedar essential oil is one of the most highly prized oils. It has calming, balancing, antiseptic, detoxifying, decongesting, draining, regenerative, tonic and antifungal properties, stimulates the nervous system, helps fight viral infections and skin and hair problems.

rosemary essential oil

rosemary is a species of shrub that grows wild in southern france and the mediterranean basin. it can be recognized by its long, dark-green, glossy evergreen leaves and purplish flowers, which give off a camphor-like scent akin to incense. it's a melliferous plant, and bees love it. Also known as "l'herbe aux troubadours", or "l'arbre de marie", rosemary is a symbol of remembrance and friendship. it was used as early as the time of the queen of hungary in her eau de beauté, and in the Middle Ages as an ingredient in the "vinegar of the four thieves" to protect against the plague. Its stimulating and tonic virtues have given it the name "western ginseng". its many properties make rosemary essential oil a first-rate oil. it is obtained by distillation of the flowering tops and has tonic, aphrodisiac, healing and digestive properties. it is indicated in cases of fatigue and overwork, helps to unclog the liver and is ideal for maintaining the tonus of athletes. it can be used in friction, aromatic diffusion, baths, inhalations and aromatic drinks.

sage essential oil: clary sage and lavender leaf sage

sage is a 70cm-high perennial plant that grows in the hills from the south of france to the lowlands of saône-et-loire. it is known as the sacred herb of the latins and the tea of france, and is still used today as the herb of religious ceremonies by north american indians. its essential oil, obtained by distillation of the flowers it contains, represents power, mental health and wisdom. It is indicated for fatigue, menstrual and menopausal problems, excessive sweating, cellulite and circulation problems. Clary sage essential oil can be used in rubs, lotions, massage oils and aromatic drinks, and is often blended with other essential oils in synergy to treat many additional ailments.

as for lavender sage, it comes from an evergreen sage that produces an abundance of bright-blue, highly fragrant flowers from the Mediterranean basin. lavender sage essential oil has the same properties as clary sage essential oil, but is known for its purifying, antiseptic, anti-infectious, expectorant, tonic and analgesic properties. It is a positivizing essential oil that boosts vital energy. It is widely used in cases of flu, pharyngitis, bronchitis, or to locally alleviate pain sensations as a rub or massage oil in synergy, or by diluting it in vegetable oil.

thyme essential oil

thyme is an aromatic plant of which there are 300 different varieties. wild or cultivated, thyme grows easily all around the Mediterranean basin. it is used in cooking, but also in health care, for its medicinal properties and its many virtues. in ancient times, it was already used by burning it to purify the air, but the egyptians also used it to embalm bodies. thyme essential oil is obtained by distillation of the flowering tops and is a powerful bactericide that can be described as a natural antibiotic, much appreciated during the winter months. it has intestinal, pulmonary and genito-urinary antiseptic properties. It stimulates the immune system and protects the liver and kidneys. Thyme essential oil is particularly indicated for lung ailments and colds (colds, flu, angina, aches and pains, chills, etc.). It is also anti-infectious, tonic, aphrodisiac and harmonizing, and is used in cases of anguish, stress and anxiety. Thyme essential oil can be used as an aromatic diffusion, massage oil and synergistic friction, as an aromatic drink, inhalation and hydrosol lotion to tighten pores, purify acne-prone skin and as a toner for tired hair and hair loss.